About us
Jobs and Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in Spare Tyre. On this page we list jobs and training opportunities, including short term roles in productions and projects.
Project Producer
Spare Tyre is developing a new sensory show for older people with dementia and their carers. We are returning to the Stephen Joseph Theatre, in Scarborough, to draw inspiration from local history and interests which we will explore sensorily with participants. We're looking for a Project Producer to support the development of this project. You do not need to have worked in dementia arts previously but you do need to be a kind, patient, and willing to learn.
The role will be for approximately 10–12 days between 4th February–28th March 2025. Full information on the role, job description, dates, and fee can be found in the recruitment pack below. You can also listen to an audio version of this pack. The deadline to apply is Monday 27th January 2024, by 10am. All applications to be emailed to Rose at Rose@Sparetyre.org, or contact us on 07598 142 058.