
Tuesday 10 to Friday 13 May


Various times


The Albany, Deptford



Tuesday 10 to Saturday 14 May


10am to 4pm


The Albany, Deptford


Free (no booking required)

Sharing & Celebration event

Saturday 14 May


2pm to 3.30pm


The Albany, Deptford


We are Lewisham! In 2022 we're thrilled to bring We Will Be Happy Here to our home Borough.

Spare Tyre in association with Just Jones &

What would YOU like to see in the world? What do you think would make it a better place?

We Will Be Happy Here is a theatre project we're creating as part of the London Borough of Culture in Lewisham. We're making it with learning disabled people, their families and carers.

In friendly workshops, we discuss what you'd like to see in a better world. This helps you create a character to perform in a special show at The Albany, where we imagine your ideas becoming real.

Your staff members had such a lovely way of making everyone feel comfortable. It was really nice to see all our members participating and engaging

Nicola Pearman, Activities Coordinator, Kingston Mencap

The Experience 

We Will Be Happy Here is an multi-sensory experience of music, sights, sounds and tactile stimuli made with and for learning disabled people. It can be experienced online or in-person. 

In workshops we explore what makes somewhere a good place to live and can be enjoyed by all its residents.

We'll then take go on an hour long journey through the place that we've all shaped. With our “tour guides” to help, together we create our own version of HERE and share it with other people who will come after and pass on their ideas.   

Who knows where you could end up? 

Originally created with our friends at Bangladeshi Parents and Carers Association. With thanks to St Margaret's House.

It’s been absolutely brilliant and very positive for the participants.

Yousuf Peshavaria, Bangaldeshi Parents and Carers Association

Not sure is this is for you? Give us a call to chat! 07598 142 058.


People's Postode Trust
Royal Victoria Hall Foundation

Director/ concept
Rebecca Manson Jones
Jo Paul
Lighting Designer
Guy Hoare
Sound Designer
Alice Theobald
Jasmine Shigemura Lee
Sophie Holland
Jazmin Qunta
Creative Partners
Lewisham, Mencap and Adult Learning Lewisham
Claude Graham
Stage Manager
Grace Hans
Workshop Assistant
Hannah Balogun
Production Photography
Patrick Baldwin