Participatory Workshops for People Becoming Carers for Loved Ones
4th - 21st February 2025
London, Southampton, Online
MAST Studios, Southampton
Friday 14th February 2025
142–144 Above Bar Street, Southampton, SO14 7DU
Please email Sharon Kanolik at for details on joining this session
Friday 21st February 2025
Online via Zoom
Please email Sharon Kanolik at for more information or to take part.
The Albany, London
Friday 21st February 2025
Douglas Way, SE8 4AG
Please email Sharon Kanolik at for more information or to take part.
“In my experience, if you think that’s what's happening, it probably is” – Lisa
Becoming a carer for a loved one at any time of life involves complex emotional transformation alongside the practicalities of care. We want to support carers and the people they care for to understand these changes and deal with them together.

FREE workshops for people making the transition to being a carer or becoming cared for.
Late in 2019 two of Spare Tyre’s artists met in a café. Much to their surprise they discovered they had similar experiences of a family member living with dementia, being befriended by people whose behaviour towards them and their loved one was difficult to explain.
In one case, their loved one had ended up married, then impoverished by the new family and finally abandoned when the money ran out. This is known as predatory marriage or elder abuse. Having discovered how common the problem is, how little it is talked about and how powerless people can feel to protect their loved ones from exploitation, we decided to make a show about it – called What Will Happen to the Cat?
This experience is an extreme example of how at risk older people can become. We are making this show because we want to stop it from happening. And we need help from carers and people who are becoming carers.
Alongside developing the show, we are creating a new series of workshops which will support family carers and their loved ones in navigating the changes in their relationship, and in how to have the difficult conversations that go with the practicalities of care.
Take Part
We are holding a series of FREE workshops for small groups of people, using creative techniques and informal, confidential discussion led by our lived experience artists. In a non-judgemental space we’re offering to share experience, discuss how relationships change, what support networks already exist, and to provide some sign posts to help.
No creative experience is necessary – you can do as little or as much as you wish.
We know that carers often have a lot of responsibility and little time, so you are welcome to bring the person you care for with you. We will hold a parallel creative activity workshop for people living with dementia alongside.
Refreshments will be provided.
Sign up for a workshop here

- Photos by Lisa Muten